Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Greetings from Aghanistan
Well, I am here now. There isn't too much to tell you yet, since we are just sitting in Kandahar Airbase awaiting a flight to go elsewhere, which is of course somewhere to remain nameless. We've been here for a couple of days now, having left Manas Airbase in Kyrgistan with light showers and temperatures around 70 F, to come into very dry conditions and temperatures near 120F here. At least it isn't humid. Yesterday there was a lot of dust kicked up by the wind which was a pain, but today seems to be a lot more calm. The food here is pretty good on the camp we are in within the base, and there is a PX (army store) right across the street from our camp, as well as a Green Bean right next door to that... The Green Bean is the Army deployment version of Starbucks. Luckily I am not staying on this base or I would blow all my money there because it is so stinkin' good. I had a Spiced Chai Frappe last night. It was tasty. Where I will eventually be going, there is no Green Bean or PX or anything for that matter.
Well, I guess that is about it. I would write more, but seriously, there isn't much to write about at this moment.
Posted by
10:17 PM
Friday, May 23, 2008
Monday, May 19, 2008
Still on the road...
***Editors note - The kezboard in Germanz has the z and y kezs mixed up and i onlz have five minutes left to tzpe so i am not going to worrz about it. Also the shift kez is much smaller so i maz miss it or intentionallz not use it. Whats the worst that could happen? Someone would think that Jessie Cheatwood tzped this for me?
Okaz, so here i am in Germanz, as i alreadz said. We are here on a short lazover for fuel and new crew and then we will be back on the road... figurativelz speaking. I did see a movie on the plane that i thought was going to be good, but was dissappointed. It was the one where Steve Carrel plazs a columnist who accidentallz falls in love with his brothers girlfriend, before he found out that it was his brothers girlfriend. He also is having a hard time raising his three daughters four zears after the death of his wife. It was rather depressing and I stopped watching it about half waz through. It was Steve Carrel, so it had funnz parts, but i didnt like it.
Well, i have one minute left so i have to go. ill write more later
Posted by
11:34 AM
Saturday, May 17, 2008
On the road again...
Well, I am soon to embark on another grand adventure to "exotic locations" but I just wanted to assure you all that I will still maintain my standard of writing on this blog as often as I have thus far... oh wait, I haven't ever written on this blog before. Okay, well, I will start now. For those of you who don't know, I am leaving soon, and by soon, that is exactly what I mean, to go back to Afghanistan and do whatever it is that I do. I could go into a long dissertation on what exactly that is, but most of it is at least somewhat classified and so I'd have to make you no more, and we don't want that. Suffice to say, however, that I will do my best to do a good job and come back with all of my parts that I left home with.
I have had a few days in a row off to spend with the family before departing and that has been nice... all except the part where Nehemiah is in the full throws of the "terrible Two's". He is in bed now and I am sitting here with my faithful writing companion, Jesus (the cat, not the Son of God... actually He's here, too, although, I was referring to the cat) relaxing on the couch while I wait for the rest of my laundry to dry. I'm not sure why I included that part, since you really don't care about my laundry, and are probably confused at the least in regard to my ramblings about the cat and God. The point is that I am taking some of my last few relaxing moments in the states and sharing them with you, our valued reader.
While I am away, though, be sure to check the blog regularly, as I will be sure to write ever once in a while, sharing some little bit of wisdom or witty banter that will, no doubt, invoke your emotions to either laughter or nausea. I'll have to edit my stories somewhat in order to post them on the internet because as we all know the Taliban guys also have Blogspot and Myspace and more than likely Facebook by now, and every little bit of information we post up detailing our really cool stories of action and heroism are bound to allow them to paint a more specific picture of how we, the American Military, does its business. Fear not, though, I will send back many a cool picture of where I sleep, what I eat, and, if you are lucky, where I relieve myself (not the excrement you sicko, the facilities!), so that you, our faithful and intelligent readers, can have the best picture possible of "how it is".
So, until next time, I bid you farewell. And if you want my mailing address so that you can send me cool stuff, let me know.
Posted by
8:50 PM
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
A post for Grammy and Aunt Jean...
At breakfast this morning.
Mommy: Hey Nehemiah did you have any good dreams last light?
NK: Yeah i did!
Mommy: What did you dream about?
NK: Grammy and Aunt Uncle Ricks house. I ride in the big helicopter and pushed the buttons.
Mommy: Wow. =)
I must add, whenever i ask Nehemiah if he had any good dreams, he always says Grammy and Aunt Jean.
Posted by
Debra K
8:51 AM