Jessi tagged me, so i have to tell you 7 interesting things about me. Although i have feeling that after you read these you will find that I'm not very interesting at all. 1. Nehemiah sleeps next to me every night. OK OK after a month of waking up 3-4-5 times a night and being up each time for 30min to 1.5 hours we got desperate. we didn't want to share our bed with him but neither of us wanted to sleep in the rocking chair or on the floor in his room. You will be glad to know we are all sleeping through the night.
2. I am the sheep and goat leader for Santa Margarita 4-H. We have 8 kids in the group, 7 of them being home school kids. At our next meeting we are going to be talking about nutrition and comparing different feed labels.
3. Tonight I'm making meatloaf for dinner. Since Casey has been home i have been making dinner around 3 nights a week. That is a huge jump from the old Zero nights a week.
4. If you do a search for "Debra Kendall Cal Poly" this is what comes up:
5. I am a member of which i think is one of the greatest things about living in SLO county. I have met some really great friends
6. My son wears cloth diapers. No running out of diapers in this house. 7. I love having a kid to take trick or treating because i get the candy!!!!
1 comment:
celaever ieda wtih the bed nxet to yuors!!! Hehheheheeeeeeee
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